8 Agosto 2017Sicurezza Warrantless US Spying Is Set to Expire Soon. Let It Die Surveillance technologies have historically restricted the freedoms of communities of color and immigrants in this country. This history continues today through a […]
29 Luglio 2017Sicurezza Your Own Pacemaker Can Now Testify Against You In Court When Ross Compton had a pacemaker installed, he had a constitutional right to remain silent. One would expect his body to have […]
22 Luglio 2017Sicurezza Letting Cyberattack Victims Hack Back Is a Very Unwise Idea As the rate of cybercrime increases, so too does the intensity of those attacks. Now, companies like the UK’s Pervade Software are […]
1 Luglio 2017Sicurezza Artificial Intelligence Will Make Forging Anything Entirely Too Easy “Lordy, I hope there are tapes,” said an exasperated James Comey in his testimony before the Senate Intelligence Committee on June 8. […]
8 Giugno 2017Sicurezza The Next Device in Your House to Get Hacked May Be Your Vibrator Until hackers discovered the internet of things, a maker of kitchen appliances didn’t have to worry about the security of its toasters. […]
28 Maggio 2017Tecnologia Why You Should Keep Funding Kickstarter Projects That Don’t Deliver Backing a crowdfunding project in 2017 is a terrible idea. You’re more likely to lose your money than receive the thing you […]
9 Maggio 2017Sicurezza Microsoft Is Right: We Need a Digital Geneva Convention State-sponsored hackers may have meddled in political campaigns from the US to France to the Netherlands. And while nations are finding it […]
17 Aprile 2017Sicurezza Courts Are Using AI to Sentence Criminals. That Must Stop Now There is a stretch of highway through the Ozark Mountains where being data-driven is a hazard. WIRED OPINION About Jason Tashea (@justicecodes), […]
15 Aprile 2017Sicurezza Taser’s Free Body Cameras Are Good for Cops, Not the People The company formerly known as Taser announced last week it’s offering free body cameras to every police officer in the United States. […]
20 Marzo 2017Sicurezza Trump’s TSA Budget Fails to Cut the Obvious: Air Marshals To fund President Donald Trump’s fanciful plans for a massive southern border wall, his administration is scrounging around in the budgets of […]