Remove the NetAdapter Clicker

NetAdapter is a potentially unwanted program that runs in the background and makes connections to remove servers. While running, NetAdapter will make connections to a variety of sites including Facebook, LinkedIn, Google, and others. It is not know what the PUP is doing with these connections, but the Facebook connects appear to be to download information about various posts on Facebook.

  • NetAdapter Connections

When installed, NetAdapter will also download and install the Visual C++ redistributable. This is done because it is required for NetAdapter to operate properly. NetAdapter will also create 3 scheduled tasks that are used to check for new updates, make sure the NetAdapter service is running, and perform other tasks.

While it is not 100% known what NetAdapter is doing, its behavior looks very similar to a clicker. This means it could be running in the background simply to make remote connections that generate likes on a post or share them on social networks.

How was NetAdapter Installed on My Computer?

It is important to note that the NetAdapter is bundled with and installed by free programs that did not adequately disclose that other software would be installed along with it. Therefore, it is important that you pay close attention to license agreements and installation screens when installing anything off of the Internet. If an installation screen offers you Custom or Advanced installation options, it is a good idea to select these as they will typically disclose what other 3rd party software will also be installed. Furthermore, if the license agreement or installation screens state that they are going to install a toolbar or other unwanted adware, it is advised that you immediately cancel the install and not use the free software.

It is concerning to me that this program is running silently and invisibly in the backgroun while making connections to remote servers. Therefore, I would not suggest allowing this program to run on the computer. If you are concerned about this program or are unsure of how it was installed, you can use the guide below to remove it for free.

Your computer should now be free of the NetAdapter program. If your current security solution allowed this program on your computer, you may want to consider purchasing the full-featured version of Malwarebytes Anti-Malware to protect against these types of threats in the future.

If you are still having problems with your computer after completing these instructions, then please follow the steps outlined in the topic linked below: