6 Aprile 2017Sicurezza, Virus news Remove Fastoplayer Ads from Web Sites Fastoplayer advertisements are injected into web sites that you are browsing by various adware programs that you may have installed. For example, […]
6 Aprile 2017Sicurezza, Virus news Remove the CPU.exe Monero Miner The CPU.exe Miner is a Trojan that utilizes a victim’s computer processor to mine the Monero, or XRM, digital currency. When installed, […]
5 Aprile 2017Sicurezza, Virus news Remove My Web Shield Adware (Uninstall Guide) My Web Shield is an adware program that is advertised as being able to block your computer from visiting dangerous sites. While […]
5 Aprile 2017Virus news Un trojan-RAT confezionato ad arte da probabili fan di Tom & Jerry I ricercatori di Forcepoint, società specializzata in sicurezza IT, hanno identificato un temibile trojan-RAT (Remote Access Trojan), che, a giudicare dalla data […]
4 Aprile 2017Sicurezza, Virus news Remove P2PEnhance PUP (Uninstall Guide) P2PEnhance is a potentially unwanted program that configures your computer to distribute unknown files using P2P. Once installed, it will create a […]
4 Aprile 2017Sicurezza, Virus news Remove the MaohaWiFi Program (Uninstall Guide) MaohaWiFi is a potentially unwanted program that is commonly bundled with free programs that you download from the Internet. This programs allows […]
4 Aprile 2017Sicurezza, Virus news Remove the Search By MovixHub Google Chrome Extension In order to remove Search By MovixHub Extension completely you will need to reset Chrome back to its initial settings. Doing these […]
4 Aprile 2017Sicurezza, Virus news Information on Browser Extensions and Add-ons [unable to retrieve full-text content]
3 Aprile 2017Sicurezza, Virus news Remove the WindowsTime.exe Bitcoin Miner The WindowsTime Miner is a Trojan that utilizes a victim’s graphics card to mine bitcoins. When installed, this Trojan will install a […]
3 Aprile 2017Virus news Rimosso da Google Play un altro Adware Sono state rimosse, da Google Play, più di una dozzina di applicazioni, dopo che alcuni ricercatori hanno scoperto che le stesse erano, […]