Nvidia quietly unveiled its new Pascal-based low-budget mobile GPU, the GeForce MX150. It’s slated to replace the aging Maxwell-based 940MX, and the […]
Facebook showed off some nutty new tech this week at its annual developer conference, including social VR experiences, skin-based interfaces, and augmented […]
Buffalo Technology ha presentato un nuovo NAS che porta in dote alcune novità interessanti, il tutto destinato all’utenza professionale (ma non solo). […]
Da questo momento la versione mobile di Crazy Taxi, originariamente rilasciata nel 2012, è scaricabile gratuitamente nella variante che visualizza messaggi pubblicitari […]
Samsung Electronics si sta preparando a riorganizzare la struttura societaria relativa al business dei semiconduttori, andando a separare l’unità che si occupa […]
EK Water Blocks revealed an upcoming water block that it designed for Gigabyte’s flagship 1080 Ti graphics cards. Traditionally, EKWB wouldn’t build […]
Kinam Kim, President of Samsung Electronics’ Semiconductor BusinessAt the annual Samsung Foundry Forum, Samsung announced its foundry’s roadmap for the next few […]